On the QSCAT wind map overlaid with an IR image, where does the wind circulation show a high pressure system?
The correct answer is C.
Area C has clockwise circulation, with winds weakening towards the center. This means that it must be a high pressure system.
In which area is the wind variability due to the rain effect?
The correct answer is A.
Area A has a region of wind ambiguity associated with dense clouds, which tells us that the variability is likely due to the rain effect. Indeed, heavy showers and vertical currents associated with convective clouds are likely to attenuate the satellite signal and produce a loss of wind direction information. This is evident in the divergent low winds on the image.
In which area does the wind discontinuity show the presence of a front?
The correct answer is B.
In Area B, the wind discontinuity shows a strong southerly wind to the east and a northerly wind to the west. The IR image shows dense clouds along the southerly winds. This discontinuity is likely due to the presence of a cold front.