Training CD-ROM on Diagnosis of Conceptual Models with Satellite
Images and NWP Output Veronika Zwatz-Meise
Computer-Aided Learning in the Department of Meteorology at San
Jose State University Scot C R Rafkin
New Instructional Approach at RMTCs in Africa James Gerald Kongoti
Web-based Learning for Remote Sensing: A Case Study Iain MacLaren
A practical guide for Interpreting Satellite and Radar Imagery
over South America Ines Velasco, Di Lorenzo, N. L., Flores, A. L.
and Nuñez, J. M.
6 months later: Lessons of EuroMET Daniel Gondouin
Embedding Meteorology CAL modules into University teaching:
lessons from the EuroMET project Ross Reynolds and Julia Phelps
A critical look at Euromet: short revision of evaluation methods
for CAL José Prieto
The making of Web-based, highly-interactive instructional
aids Tom Whittaker and Steve Ackerman
Fostering CAL Adaptation through Modularization and
Template-Building Pat Parrish, Tim Spangler, Marriane Weingroff,
Dwight Owens
One year training experience of CAL AT EAMAC Emmanuel Kploguédé
EUMETSAT CAL Activities Henk Verschuur
Use of CAL for Faster Industrial Development Joseph N Kagenyi
A Meteorological Training Course Distributed Through
Intranet for Updating Forecaster's Knowledge
at Météo-France Jean Coiffier
The ANASYG-PRESYG : Time for Refinement of Synoptic
Meteorology Patrick Santurette
A brief introduction about the on-the-job training in
meteorology Wang Mei-hua and Fan Hong
Whither the Weather by Internet?
The Cars Behaved like Kangaroos! Malcolm Walker
Sharing and reusing CAL elements Charles Duncan
Simulation Software in Meteorology Education Bibiana Cerne, Alicia de Garín, Alicia Kriner and Norma Possia
Instructional Illustrations for Meteorology Education and
Training Pat Parrish
The Development of VISITview Tom Whittaker and Scott Bachmeier
Reproducing some of the traditional " reformulation process "
in a CAL environment Vincent Pircher and Joël Hoffman
A Solution of Enhancing CAI Programs in Meteorological Lessons Po-Hsiung Lin
Is CAL fully integrated into meteorology instruction? It is
rather not Andrey Belotsercovsky