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Calmet 99 : Videoconferencing workshop, useful links
Application of Videoconferencing
Using Videoconferencing in Education
Preparation and Presentation
Videoconferencing Technologies
Desktop and LAN
Data sharing
Application of Videoconferencing
the entry on videoconferencing at Webopedia
guide to common videoconferencing terms
Technical glossary
full technical descriptions
Organising a Video Conference
simple guide from TVOntario
Video-Conferencing Training
online learning modules on videoconferencing from the Open University
Videoconferencing in Education
SAVIE Videoconferencing Atlas
comprehensive resource from the Helskinki University of Technology
Videconferencing for Learning
a widely quoted resource from Pacific Bell
Interactive Video Conferencing in Education
basic information about instructional videoconferences at SEEDS, British Columbia, Canada
Videoconferencing in Higher Education
Excellent report by Lynee Coventry of Heriot-Watt University
Videoconferencing information sheet
from BECTa, UK
White Pine case studies
Examples of using desktop systems for distance learning
Using Video Conferencing Technology in Teaching
article in Syllabus Magazine by Jodi Reed, San Diego State University
Preparation and Presentation
Presentation on teacher skills
by Marjaana Virrankari, University of Oulu
Design and presentation of learning materials for videoconferencing
at SEEDS, British Columbia, Canada
Teleclass Teacher's Guide
at the University of Tennessee, featuring room design plans, interactive strategies, student and teacher resources
directory provided by the Helskinki University of Technology
Global Public Videoconferencing Directory
free service offered by Face-To-Face Communications
International Videoconferencing List
at St.Joseph's University, Philadelphia
Intergrated Services Digital Network : ISDN
The basics of ISDN
primer by Thomas A. Fine at Ohio-State University
ISDN User's Guide
Comprehensive information on ISDN from Pacific Bell
ISDN videoconferncing
links provided by Dan Kegel at Caltech
Desktop and Local Area Network (LAN) Systems
Videoconferencing FAQ
information on desktop videoconferencing for users, manufactures and distributors
Desktop videoconferencing guide
from NCET, UK
review of IP videoconferencing systems
by NetworkWorld Fusion
CADLAB Videoconferencing Testbed
Information and evaluation for desktop solutions, including a
searchable database of videonconferencing software
Desktop Video Conferencing Product Survey
a comprehensive of survey of video-conferencing software for many platforms, indexed by name, operating-system and feature
popular conferencing software for PC and Macintosh
The Video Conferencing Cookbook
how to set up a conference using H.323 (LAN) desktop systems
Report of the ALAVIT project
Assessment of LAn Based VIdeoconferencing Technologies by University College London
Asynchronous Transfer Mode : ATM
Scottish MAN Videoconferencing Network
an overview of this high-bandwidth facility
The ATM Forum
international non-profit organisation for promoting the use of ATM products and services
About ATM
learning module from the ATM forum
An introduction to ATM
by Newbridge Networks
suppliers of ATM videoconferencing systems
Global Vision Technologies
able to supply ATM Videoconferencing solutions
Multicast backBONE : MBONE
Multimedia Conferencing Applications Archive
information and downloads
The Meccano project
developing integrated MBONE tools for education and conferencing
"Shrink-wrapped" MBONE package
List of MBONE software
article on IBMs planned multicast developments, in InfoWorld
VAT plugin
for MBONE Videoconferencing in a browser
electronic whiteboard, for lectures and videoconferencing
Tandberg Educator
integrated solution for videconferencing in the classroom
The Electronic Classroom
ground breaking product originally developed by the Norwegian Ministry of Education
Data sharing and conferencing software
Microsoft Net Meeting
desktop sharing and conferencing software for Windows 95/8 and NT
NetMeeting Software Developers Kit
for creating your own applications based on NetMeeting
MeetingWorks Connect
Java-based software for cross-platform electronic meetints and data sharing
free, cross-platform collaboration tool from Sun
H.323 compliant conference server
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Martin Morrey
Last modified: Mon May 10 19:17:55 BST 1999