Recordings of Baltic+ 2024


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15.04.2024 09 UTC Session 1a - Welcome and introductions
15.04.2023 09 UTC Session 1b - Convection monitoring using satellites (Bozena)
19.04.2024 12 UTC Session 2 - Ingredient-based forecasting (Laura and Tomas)
22.04.2024 09 UTC Session 3: NWP Guidance on Global Models (Becky)
26.04.2024 09 UTC Session 4: Kertu Sild MetCoOp
Satellite task feedback (Bozena)
29.04.2024 09 UTC Session 5: Nowcasting in Europe (Natasa)
02.05.2024 09 UTC Session 6: Typical pattern of convection in satellite imagery (Andreas)