Meteorological simulator simulates weather conditions on the flight on September 29, 2020.

The route flight Odesa - Ankara; duration 2 hours.

The purpose of the shift.

  1. Make a weather forecast for the AN-26 aircraft along the route Odessa - Ankara and to the landing point.

  2. Flight time (scheduled) - 12:30-14:30 UTC.

  3. Crew minima 100 × 1.0; aircraft minima 100 × 1.0; aerodrome minima 30 × 0.8. Runway azimuth 70º - 250º, maximum allowable values of the wind speed (for the AN-26 aircraft) - 14 m/s (crosswind), 30 m/s (head wind), 5 m/s (tailwind).

  4. Calculate the crosswind component of the wind speed.

  5. Construct a wind hodograph for a layer of 0-6 km according to the temperature-wind sounding by 00 UTC at Ankara st.

  6. Issue a weather bulletin (the form AB-12) for the flight route.

    Write recommendations for the crew commander on taking into account the influence of weather conditions on the flight.