VISITview Terminology
November, 1998
Lesson = an ordered collection of pages designed to be used during
a short (say, less than an hour) training session
Page = one or more images (GIF or JPEG files) that make up part
of a lesson
Client = the user side of a client-server connection
Server = a VISITview server receives and re-distributes messages
during a training session
Group = one or more clients using a server which are logically isolated
from other groups using the same server
Training session = when several students and one master/instructor
connect together to allow the instructor to teach
student = a VISITview client display without the ability
to change pages
master (aka. instructor) = a VISITview
client display with full control
ZIP file = a compressed file of data and programs
self-extracting ZIP file = a compressed file that may be de-compressed
by running it as though it were a program
loop = a sequence of images that are shown in a "movie loop" order
(that is: 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4...)
rocking (aka. rocking loop) = a sequence of images shown
in a rocking back and forth order (that is: 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 1...)
pointer (aka. cursor) = a thing that appears on the screen
to point to something on that screen
drag the pointer = hold the left mouse button down while moving
the mouse pointer on the screen
fade = to fade between two images; decrease the transparency of
one image while displaying it on top of another image, until it is completely
opaque and covers the second image completely
Java = an interpreted language used to create the VISITview software
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