The HTML used for VISITview defines the lesson. In remotely-accessed lessons, the students' Web browser reads this HTML and then downloads and starts a Java applet. In locally-accessed lessons, the students start a Java application right on their desktop which reads the same HTML file to define the information needed to connect everyone together.
Recall that VISITview clients have one of three possible configurations: master, student, or listener. The master configuration is the most complex, the student and listener can easily be created directly from the master HTML, so I recommend starting there.
Here's what the master HTML looks like:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Test of VISITView </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#F0F0F0> <center> Put any text you want to show up before the applet region here. <p> <APPLET code="ViewClient.class" width=660 height=560 > <PARAM name="Master" value="true"> <PARAM name="labels" value="(100) National IR/radar Composite,1KM Wisconsin,National Vis,National IR, National Water Vapor, 31 May case"> <PARAM name="filenames" value="radar,local,vis,ir,wat,kan_4_"> <PARAM name="number_frames" value="3,4,3,3,3,5"> <PARAM name="group" value="test"> </APPLET> <p> You are connected as a "Master". This is the 5/13 update. <p> </center> </BODY> </HTML>Here's what it means:
The APPLET tag identifies the Java code to run. The width and height values must provide sufficient space for the images plus the controls. The width should be at least 640; the height should be at least 80 more than the height of the images.
Each of the PARAM statements that follow define values for the various parameters that can be controlled within the applet.
You must name your files accordingly. Even if the page contains only one single file, the naming convention is used.
For example:
radar |
radar0 radar1 radar2 radar3 |
title |
title0 |
vis.gif |
vis.gif0 vis.gif1 vis.gif2 |
local*.gif |
local0.gif local1,gif local2.gif |
wat* |
wat0 wat1 wat2 wat3 wat4 |
myfile.* |
myfile.0 myfile.1 |
<PARAM name="Master" value="true">should be changed to:
<PARAM name="Student" value="true">
<PARAM name="group" value="test">
specifies that anyone using this .html file will be connected to a VISITview
group named "test". If this PARAMeter is omitted from the .html file,
then a dialog box will pop up when the master or student starts up the
applet. This dialog will ask the user to select an existing group (if any)
to join, or to enter the name of a completely new group to start.
<PARAM name="portals" value="x,x,wat,x,vis,x"> <PARAM name="portal_x" value="x,x,0,x,100,x"> <PARAM name="portal_y" value="x,x,100,x,200,x"> <PARAM name="portal_height" value="x,x,200,x,200,x"> <PARAM name="portal_width" value="x,x,200,x,100,x">Here's what the extra PARAMs mean:
<PARAM name="portals" value="x,x,wat &
<PARAM name="portal_x" value="x,x,0 & 300,x,100,x">
<PARAM name="portal_y" value="x,x,100&100,x,200,x">
<PARAM name="portal_height" value="x,x,200&200,x,200,x">
<PARAM name="portal_width" value="x,x,200&200,x,100,x">
This would then add a second portal to the right of the first one, showing images from files beginning with the name "radar". Note that spaces may be used around the individual elements to help with readability. You may define as many portals as desired, but keep in mind that each portal defines a complete set of images, so there may be considerations of download time, as well as real estate.
Finally, please note that all images used in one of these types of displays
must be the same size and have the same navigation in order for this portal/scrolling
to work properly.
in-low in-hi lo-red hi-red lo-green hi-green lo-blue hi-bluewhere in- give the source brightness value range (from 0-255) and the lo-/hi- for each color specify the range (from 0-255) for each color to use in the display. After you've created the file you must add one more line to the HTML (this must appear in both the Master and Student HTML files:
<PARAM name="enhance" value="">(substitute for "" the name of the file you created).
<PARAM name="URL_list" value="x,x,,x,x,x,x,x,x">
The presence of this will cause a new button, labelled Show Text
to appear just below the buttons for erasing the graphics. When the
student clicks on this button, the default browser (in Windows) or Netscape
(in Unix) will either be launched or aimed at the URL named herein.
To specify a transparent level, you would use:
<PARAM name="transparent" value="#rrggbb">
where the "rrggbb" value refers to intensity of Red, Green, and Blue.
The intensity is given as a hexidecimal value from 00 to FF (the same way
it is given for colors in the HTML). Once you specify this value,
it is used for the entire lesson whenever a page is faded. By default,
transparency is turned off.
For example:
<PARAM name="port" value="1631">
For example, if some of the files in the above example were in the subdirectory lesson3 off the home directory, and others were in the lesson3a directory, the HTML for this PARAM might look like:
<PARAM name="filenames" value="lesson3/radar,lesson3/local,lesson3a/vis,lesson3/ir,lesson3/wat,lesson3/kan_4_">However. . . . . if your lesson is to be packaged and distributed to students to use in a local mode, then you should put everything in the same directory.
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