The Double-WWW sample
ˇ@ˇ@Under the above softwares and hardwares utilities supporting, The Double-WWW (World Weather Watch under World Wide Web) CAI program was constructed quickly in two-month timescale. The reason of choosing the topic of WWW program under WMO ( is described in Section one. Figure 4 is the index HTML page of Double-WWW program and it shows the conceptual activities how weather observations work. All instrument platforms on this page are individual 2-D image elements and then be combined as cartoon-produced processing on the background frame. Under ˇuGlobal Observation Systemˇvsub-component, near 25 avi-format animation files converted from vedio cassettes are used to demonstrate each instrument and platform in active world. Under Microsoft Windows operation system, these animation files could be played with auto-plugin multi-media function. It means the instructor producer and student users donˇ¦t worry how setting and playing the files in and the personal computer device. Figure 5 gives the screen picture of NOAA P-3 aircraft platform and take-off process in TAMEX (Taiwan Mesoscale Experiment, 1987). ˇ@