6 months later: Lessons of EuroMET
Daniel Gondouin
EuroMET is the Education and Training Programme of the European Meteorological Community. EuroMET was funded during its development phase (1/6/96 – 10/11/98) by the European Commission and by the participating partners (shared costs). The EuroMET consortium gathers most of the European National Met Services and some Universities. Two libraries of training modules (Satellite Meteorology and Numerical Weather Prediction) have been developed, as well as a set of very useful tools to download customised courses and develop and insert seamlessly further modules.
In 1998 the EuroMET project was awarded a European Academic Software Award, one of ten awards from an entry of 249 competitors.
Currently, the programme is in an unfunded phase and the two main mirrored servers are maintained by the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), while the discussion groups are watched and possible support given to users at Pictus (Scotland) and @delink (France).
This presentation will give
first an overlook of the clearly identified difficult points during the
development of such a large project, then list the positive issues and
conclude with the points to improve.