University of Edinburgh
British Journal of Educational Technology
Producing web-based courses:
1. Separating content from style and
Producing web-based courses:
2. A modular 'library' approach
Producing web-based courses:
3. Translation issues
Producing web-based courses:
4. Tracking users
University of Reading
June 1997, " EuroMET : Web-based European Meteorological Education
and Training ", R.Reynolds & J.E.Phelps in ‘Geocal’, Number 16, pp
Phelps J. and Reynolds R., Evaluating EuroMET - a web-based resource
for Meteorologists ALT-J (submitted) 1998
Julia Phelps and Ross Reynolds (1998), Summative Evaluation of a Web-based
course in Meteorology, in Innovation in the Evaluation of Learning Technology
Julia Phelps and Ross Reynolds (1998), Evaluation of the EuroMET Meteorology
Web-based Course, BITE Bringing Information Technology to Education:
Integration Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education,
Kluwer, 174-179.
Julia Phelps and Ross Reynolds (1998), Evaluation of the EuroMET Web-based
Course in Meteorology, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA/EDTELECOM 98 World Conference
on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia and World Conference on Educational
Telecommunications, Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education, Virginia, USA, 1083-1089.
R Reynolds and J Phelps (1998) EuroMET: Web-based European Meteorological
Education and Training , GeoCAL, 16, 16-18.
University Rovira
J.Massons and J.Camps, "internet i meteorologia". Mundo Cientifico,
La Recherche, 181, 632-640, Jul-Aug 1997
Free University of Berlin
GMW, Siegen, 1996: EuroMET WWW-based training: produce in a distributed
environment, teach locally, evaluate separately. To be published by Gesellschaft
für Medien in der Wissenschaft, Conference Proceedings 1996.
Online Educa 1997: EuroMET (Telematics/applications) -Development and evaluation
of WWW-based meteorological courseware.To be published later this year,
Conference proceedings of Online Educa Berlin.
- Christian Zick: "EuroMET". In: Virtueller Campus. Hartmut Simon,(Ed.).
Medien in der Wissenschaft, Vol.5, pp.199-220, Muenster/New York/Berlin,
Waxmann Verlag, 1997.
- Christian Zick, Daniel Gondouin, 1997: "EuroMET (Telematics/applications)
- Development and evaluation of WWW-based meteorological courseware". pp.192-197.
In: Book of Abstracts of Online Educa Berlin 1997. WHERE+HOW, Germany,
Handbuch Hochschullehre, Raabe Verlag, Bonn. To be published late 1998/early
1999. 16 pp.
Christian Zick, 24 November 1998, Colloquium/seminar presentation atInstitute
of Meteorology, FU Berlin: EuroMET - ein meteorologischesLernprojekt fuer
Satellitenmeteorologie und Numerische Wettervorhersage - Rueckblick und
Christian Zick: The use of Satellite imagery in WWW-based training
courses. In CGMS Directory. Ed.: John Morgan. To be published by Eumetsat,1999
Floor, K., 1997, EuroMET lesmateriaal naar tweede fase, Meteorologica
4, pp9-11.
EUMENET News N1 July 1997 " The EuroMET Project ", D.Gondouin
La météorologie Septembre 1997 : " L’évolution
de l’Enseignement Assisté par Ordinateur (EAO) et le projet EuroMET
", D.Gondouin
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Revista Espanola de Fisica, E.Zurita, A.Benito (1998) : EuroMET,
hacia una ensenanza interactiva de las ciencias, (still in press)